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Maus - The beginning

Q2: How is the role of women in Jewish families represented in frame 11 and 13?

Q 3: If Valdek dos not get along with mala, why does he marry her?   

Q 1: The story starts in the present. Art is grown up and married. He is visiting his father. Art states "we wern't close". How is this shown in frame 1 and 2, in their body langauge and shading, as well as the language?

Q4: Why is Vladek so upset about the wire coat hangers? How does this tell us about wealth and the importance of saving face to Jewish men?


Q 5: Page 14 shows a long narrow strip that segues the story from present to past. What does the image focus on on Vladek's arm and how does this frame his son in the background? 


Q 6: Look at the body langauge of Lucia in the following frames. Is this behaviour expected or acceptable for women of this time? 

Q 7: Vladek says he picked Anya because of her intellect, yet his actions in the follwoing frames suggest there are other reasons he considers more. What are these and what does Anya have that Lucia does not? 


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